Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I'm Running For President

My political association has traditionally been Republican, yet as many Americans, I have become disenfranchised, disappointed, and left disillusioned in the 21st century.

Our economy has not recovered from the 2008 recession. Innovation is hindered by our stumbling economy, rendering the US without a new product to lead it's growth. Capitalism seems to be failing us. Yet the reality is, Capitalism is receding, and taking with it, economic growth and job creation. Our foreign policy has been shortsighted from when we entered into the 20th century. After WWI, the world taxed Germany into an inflationary condition it could not recover from, and eventually presented us with WWII. Territory lines drawn after both wars have done nothing but create new wars in the years that followed. I submit that the two world wars of the 20th Century did not provide solutions, only more problems delayed for another generation. We either trivialize and ignore what is before us, or take up arms of responsibility.

I am proud to be an American. I live in a country founded on freedom. A land where others flock to for the promise of liberty and the absence of tyranny. Thomas Jefferson wrote, "The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." He also recognized that, "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." I ask you, do you fear your government, or does it fear you?

I believe freedom and empowerment fuel innovation. I believe love of mankind should be our greatest social export in order to provide a leadership other countries respect.

I'm running for President. Not because I want to, but because I feel I need to. Our leaders are shortsighted and seemingly lead for personal gain, rather than for the love those that they lead. In the following paragraphs, I attempt to paint an accurate picture of what is ahead of us in the very near future. It is imperative we move quickly to overt collapse and repeat the history of the 20th century.

I see a 16 Trillion dollar debt drowning our country, with no option but to raise it another 1.2 Trillion in 2013 simply to pay our year's obligations. And this rising of the debt waterline is only a backdrop to the fiscal cliff, set to increase taxes an average of $3,500/year for 88% of the US taxpayers at a time when our country is still struggling to establish a multi-quarter growth. Forging forward, dangerously deep into the US economic undercurrent is the Federal Open Market Committee's (FOMC) policy of Quantitative Easing. Starting in 2008, the central bank began purchasing bonds and other assets from financial institutions in order to increase money supply, and thereby encourage banks to lend money. In order to increase the money supply, the FED prints dollars.

The fourth round of Quantitative Easing (QE4) is slated to begin in 2013 at the clip of 85 Billion dollars per month. This will equate to over 1 Trillion dollars for the year, continuing until the unemployment reaches a target of 6.5%, which is expected by 2015. That's 3 Trillion dollars. To be clear, this is the process of printing money at the clip of approximately $32,000/second. The danger of such steep increases in money supply, is inflation. One of two scenarios could possibly occur: Prices begin to increase too rapidly, and inflation turns into hyperinflation. The second possibility is stagflation - inflation coupled with high unemployment. This is what happened in the 70's, and pushed mortgage rates to a peak of just over 18%. Hyperinflation, is loosely defined as a monthly inflation rate of 50%. This is what devastated the Weimar Republic (Germany) economy post WWI, and is widely believed to usher in the Nazi party bringing Adolf Hitler into power.

While our country steadfastly approaches the real possibility of economic collapse, Nuclear capability is being born out of the embers of past wars and has triggered a new era of global instability.

North Korea's arming in the 21st century has been ignored, except for the occasional news report, and seemingly useless UN sanctions. North Korea has successfully detonated two nuclear devices. It is estimated that North Korea currently has 6 nuclear weapons, increasing to 48 by 2015. On December 12th of this year, North Korea successfully launched a 3 stage rocket into space, putting a satellite into orbit, demonstrating intercontinental capabilityNorth Korea's provocative arming seems to be driven by its desire to reunify with South Korea, dating back to 1973. In addition, UN sanctions 1718 and 1874 imposed after North Korea's two nuclear tests, have only acted to encourage North Korea's arming. An official newspaper stated new sanctions would be considered as a "declaration of war." Escalation is assured. North Korea argues that the US has failed in it's disarmament, since it hasn't removed North Korea from its "State Sponsors of Terrorism" list. The US will not remove North Korea until it moves forward with disarmament. Stalemate. China is an ally to North Korea, and the US is an ally to South Korea. Conflict must not happen.

The Middle East is evolving in a manner we cannot ignore. The fall of Mubarak in Egypt ushered in the Muslim Brotherhood in 2011, and with it, an al Qaeda-like radical Muslim movement operating in the Sinai Peninsula. This Sinai movement eventually led to an attack on Israel in August of 2012. Egypt's response was to violate the Camp David Accords of 1979, and militarize the Sinai.

North of Israel, Syria is entrenched in a civil war, inspired by the same Arab Spring that started in Tuninsia, and fueled Morsi into power in Egypt. Uprisings have erupted all across the Middle East, including Jordan, which along with Egypt, is one of only two Middle Eastern countries holding peace agreements with IsraelEgypt's Muslim Brotherhood is divided on accepting Israel's right to exist, putting future peace at risk. Iran's Ahmadinejad denies Iran wants nuclear weapons, but this is the same man that dismisses the Holocaust as a mythIsrael is once again, quickly becoming a target by those on each of it's borders and beyond. In an era of nuclear capability, peace in the Middle East is more important now than ever. The World has miss-understood the Middle-East for centuries, and unknowingly created a design for the unrest we see now through the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. Neither the United States, Europe, or the world can ignore the unrest in the Middle East, else we risk another World War.

Our Country is divided across social, economic and foreign policy. It is my intention to address all of these with respectful debate, research, and unequalled ambition. I don't believe the answer is possible in today's Republican party. Nor do I believe the Democrats, or Libertarians will be able to address the long haul to world peace and economic stability. All three parties are weighted down by idealism. It is what provides them initial direction, yet it blinds them of perspective. There is no one in the crows-nest  to provide vision. Instead, our leaders attempt to captain our ship into an unknown direction. Nonetheless, I'm convinced we all have something to contribute. It's time to fold the best of our ideals into a clairvoyant and pragmatic platform. In the coming weeks, with your help, I will detail a platform that the leaders of freedom can embrace, and that which will ensure the United States remains strong, and true to the world evolving around us.

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